Thank you, Colin,
You asked a very serious question. I didn’t study the art of Renaissance to give an expert judgement but I have an idea that Renaissance in the very beginning made people, including artists, more autonomous in their thinking, more tolerant to uncertainty, more keen to explore the mysterious. Uncertainty in my view is the only source of true creativity. Therefore Renaissance boosted the creativity of everyone, not only artists. Columbus was creative. Newton was creative. Great discoveries followed. Art was fun and science was fun. They were multidimensional. Leonardo was an artist and an engineer. He wanted to know how a human body works from both artistic and scientific perspectives. Renaissance began as the era of exploration. Eventually, after many new things were discovered in every domain the trend for exploitation of already acquired material and immaterial assets took over the trend for exploration. Art and science settled down to much easier to exploit single dimensional paradigms. Renaissance was over then.
I wish you a lot of success with your book!